How does creatine supplementation enhance athletic performance?


Creatine, which occurs naturally in the body, plays a crucial role in the body’s energy metabolism. If energy is needed, ATP is converted to ADP (adenosine diphosphate). Eventually, the body turns ADP back into ATP using energy derived from food, but this takes time, and muscle cells can store only enough ATP to allow a few seconds of high-intensity work. Therefore, creatine supplementation is substantial to ensure high level of phosphocreatine.

How does creatine supplementation enhance athletic performance?

Athletes with specific training goals, e.g. building up muscle mass or increasing strength through normal exercise or during rehabilitation, increased regeneration, higher performance levels during short force or sprint loading, can benefit from creatine supplements.

Creatine has a special function in the supply of energy to the cells of the body, which becomes important above all with short-term, intensive and repetitive rapid loads. In an adult’s body, about 80 to 130 grams of this natural bodily substance are found. However, as the body daily digests and excretes about one to two percent of it, it is also necessary to replenish the stock of creatine regularly.

Creatine supplementation provide the energy needed by the cells and enhance athletic performance.  There are reports of people who regularly take creatine and describe that they feel more permanently fit and more powerful. In addition, it is possible that creatine supports the regeneration process between the training units or after the athletic endurance performance. Thus, creatine has been shown to act as an antioxidant which reduces cell damage caused by oxygen radicals. Anti-inflammatory effects can also be detected in initial investigations.

Studies show that creatine increases physical performance during high-speed exercise in the context of short-term intensive physical training if a daily intake of three grams is ensured. This promotes the build-up of muscle mass and increased strength. In addition, creatine helps to stabilize cellular pH (acidity) and plays an important role in balancing the different aerobic and anaerobic energy sources (eg glycolysis) which are available to the cells.